I have no clue where I got the idea but it just came to me....so I looked it up online...of course....and found really easy directions to make/build a fire pit.
BLW birthday is 7/7 and he had to work so that when I put my plan into action....
First I made a list of stuff...
then i went to Lowe's....i guessed on the number of stones to get for the wall so I got 11 brown ones and 11 tan ones, 5 small topper rocks and 5 big topper rocks...oh and some river rocks and some sand....
next i scrapped all the grass from my circle that I drew with a string and stick....and dug a hole in the middle(for a drain, duh)....
after that I put the first layer of stones around the circle, dumped the river rocks out and made them flat, kinda....
followed by the sand, did the bag say it was red? NO. well it is.........
finally, i put the 2nd level of stones on top of the first and drove back to Lowe's to get more....
upon my return i finished the 2nd level and put the topper stones on too....
it is lovely
oh and i got a table and two chairs to sit beside it.
We cooked in it tonight...Chance fried some calf fries and we roasted marsh mellows.