my back stalls are done, both of them...they look really good!!! we put the middle wall up between the front two stalls today also.
paris is working really good, she is out in her hips they are crooked....causing her to crossfire, again when she is in the right lead. we'll have to get that fixed.
popi is a crazy little shit...we are putting him on some med. to help with that.
beau is losing weight and starting to look really good...
doodles is the best....
dylan is so catty i cant get the lead rope to work with him on leading and to tie him up. im going to put a lunge line on his halter tommorrow.
i need to call about dkny tommorrow also....
camo is really skinny and i cant get him to put wgt on...he has a round bale and 10lbs of ultium a day...
torch, well i dont really do anything with him...he gets tied up everyday but thats about it.
ruby and poncho are back over at blws parents, he is still lame.
gucci is doing better now that armani is eating grain and hay mostly...he is still an ass.
bloomer and stewie are barking these days at anything that moves...
the cats and ferret are doing well these days....
shuttle is good she isnt the wild little mustang she once was but is getting around good.
blw is probably going out on a fire, next week. he'll be gone two weeks. dont know when he will leave im not very happy about it but oh well. ill redecorate while he is gone....
12:14 Lingfield (31st December)
4 weeks ago
pictures of the back stalls please . . .
you can't show us the before (see previous post) with the roof on the ground, and then not show us the after.
ok will do!!
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